Patricia Arquette Calls for Equality in Her Acceptance Speech

Follow up: After reading about Patricia Arquette’s not so great comment backstage after her speech, I want to make sure to add this follow up. Yes. She should have said things differently towards the end and the comment created a lot of understandable outrage.

She did have a great speech on stage that reached a huge audience and i don’t think we can disregard that part. I hope all the discussion on the internet about Arquette’s backstage words will bring us all closer together to fight injustice through intersectional and inclusive feminism.

Maisha Z. Johnson, Social Media Associate at Everyday Feminism and apprentice editor at Black Girl Dangerous wrote a fantastic summary of the situation and about the reactions to the positives and negatives of Arquette’s words. The article is definitely worth a read. Check it out. It’s titled “Patricia Arquette’s Heart Is In the Right Place and We Still Need To Call Her In”


“To every woman who gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else’s equal rights,” she announced. “It is our time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women in the United States of America!”

Check out more about it here.